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West Oz Celebrant Services


Congratulations. - Whoever you chose as your Celebrant I wish you a long and happy life together.

I am a licensed celebrant, able to perform weddings, affirmations, renewal of vows and baby naming's in a style to suit your individual needs.


Your wedding ceremony is the heart and soul of your wedding day; it is the moment when all your dreams and all you’re planning comes together in the most special moment of your life so far. My role is to provide you with the ceremony that matches your dreams, whatever they may be. I will meet with you at a place of your choice and guide your through the steps to create a draft service. I will do this for free. Additional visits, a rehearsal and telephone / email contact are all included.


I provide the signing table as standard and a professional PA system which you are welcome to use for your music needs. I can also provide other services by agreement. I promise to use my skills and experience to work with you to design the most perfect ceremony; a ceremony that is as individual as you.


Your wedding ceremony is the heart and soul of your wedding day; it is the moment when all your dreams come together in the most special moment of your life. I promise to work with you to design the most perfect ceremony; a ceremony that is as individual as you.


I provide the same care, attention and service to vow renewal, child naming, same sex affirmation and any other ceremony you require. Please do contact me and let me guide you through the opportunities. I am honoured to have been considered as your Celebrant.


Contact Us

Phone 0407 463 676


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