TLC Dental Care

I DO …
Look your best with Brilliant Teeth Whitening
the Natural Way at TLC DENTAL, leaders in Cosmetic Dentistry

Doctor Len Hoffenberg of the leading CBD practice TLC Dental discusses the facts and the myths about teeth whitening and cosmetic dentistry in this enlightening interview with Dr Hoffenberg.
Interviewer(i): Dr Hoffenberg, how popular is teeth whitening?
Dr: In recent years there has been a real upsurge in the popularity of teeth whitening and other cosmetic dentistry because of the huge advances we have made in this field. I love the fact thatthat I am able to create my patients` ideal smiles as part of this cosmetic revolution.
I: Why is it so popular?
Dr: Teeth whitening is one of the fastest, most cost-effective ways to achieve a brighter, natural- looking smile and a younger, healthier look. It can also dramatically enhance one`s image for significant occasions, for example for one`s wedding.
I: How long does the process take?
Dr: The in-office whitening that we use in our clinic is really quick. It takes a little over an hour. Our patients can lie back and relax while enjoying a movie of their choice on the overhead TV or just listen to music while their smile is being transformed into a brighter, natural- looking smile.
I: What do you think are the benefits
Dr: Well, the immediate benefits are obviously a dazzling smile, and a brighter, healthier look. From experience, once my patients see their new smiles they literally do not want to stop smiling. They invariably tell me afterwards that their confidence and self-esteem have also increased exponentially. That makes me really happy that I have contributed to that.
I: Is it an uncomfortable process?
Dr:Absolutely not.The whitening system we use at our clinic rarely causes sensitivity. Most of the timethere isn`t any at all. This is because our system is unique in that it contains natural products including minerals from the Dead Sea, it has a neutral pH, and it prevents dehydration of the
teeth, all of which helps to prevent sensitivity.
I: How effective is teeth whitening?
Dr:With the right system, teeth whitening is very effective. At my practice, we have achieved results up to 11 shades lighter. I always make sure that my patients understand that everyone`s teeth are different, so we can`t predict the final shade, but I don`t recall a patient leaving without achieving a really noticeably whiter or brighter smile with staying power(that really lasts).
I: What other forms of cosmetic dentistry do you practice?
Dr: Having built my reputation largely on cosmetic dental treatment, I see lots of patients with challenging problems, such as cracked, stained, crooked and even missing teeth. We recreate natural and beautiful smiles with state of the art veneers, crowns and implants, or teeth aligning treatment sometimes in conjunction with teeth whitening.
Totally safe
100% biodegradable
Includes Dead Sea Minerals
Little or on sensitivity
Up to 9 shades lighter
Takes just over 60 minutes