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For better health, happiness and energy, natural medicine could well be your answer


BOOK NOW & receive $ 20 OFF your initial visit


Through good communication, combined with our knowledge and approach of getting to the cause of problems, we are confident that we can help you achieve optimum health.


Good health is a condition that can be achieved and is well worth having.There is no shortage of misinformation around about our body and health, and some people have no information about how the body works.


We see our role here at the Natural Healing Centre as having a number of key aspects.


  • Problem solving – not only to do with your physical state, but also helping with emotional problems and life situations.

  • Increased education and understanding for you as a patient.

  • Tailoring an individual program for you. We have, between us, over 40 years of practical experience and as a result, a wealth of knowledge, treatments and resources available.


We are Naturopathic Doctors, Osteopaths, Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists, Homeopaths and Herbalists.


If you have any questions after viewing this web site please call or send an email.
We answer every enquiry and will happily do whatever we can to help.


Ferny Creek Natural Healing Centre
8 Mt Erin Road Ferny Creek 3786
Phone: 9755 1900


Mitcham Natural Healing Centre
431 Whitehorse Road Mitcham 3132
Phone: 9873 0966



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