What is so special about Lucy’s art, both in her Wedding Candle making, and Oil Paintings, is her use of colour, which gives her art works a sense of life. Examples are her harmonious pink and blue coloured Wedding Candle as seen in the Sydney Morning Herald photo above, and in the Unity Wedding Candles above. This means Lucy can create Wedding Candles to match the colours of your wedding
This Sydney Morning Herald review on Lucy’s Candle making says, ‘When the candle has been dipped about 40 times, she takes a special blade and starts peeling back petals of wax, revealing the layers of colour built up in the dipping process.
By hand she deftly twists and curls the wax petals.... Many people buy the candles as sculpture to be kept ....although it is a beautiful experience watching the layers of colour glow from within, as the candle burns down.”
The photo shows a harmonious pink & blue coloured Wedding Candle - a popular choice for wedding candles.
Courtesy of The Sydney Morning Herald.
Text; Sarah Rodrigues; Photo Tanya Lake.
Wedding Candles Personalised for you
Lucy’s skill with colour brings her art to life
Lucy’s candles glow from the inside-out
Lucy’s candle art colouring is seen most vividly when burning her candles. Unlike ordinary candles Lucy’s Art Candles burn down the inside. It is a beautiful experience watching the layers of colour glow from within. The candle radiating its colours for hours, and hours, and hours. As hand sculptured beauty transforms into hand coloured glowing beauty.
Wedding Candles can be personalised with names, date and a photo as seen in the Wedding Candle at the top of this page. And with figurines and symbols for weddings, such as rings, hearts and flowers. See above the Purple Wedding Candle and the Golden Wedding Candle designs.
These handmade Wedding Candles are for those who want something special for their Wedding as each wedding candle is an original work of art. Hand-coloured & hand-sculptured your wedding candle can be coloured to match your wedding colours. The candles are finished with a porcelain-like glaze – so their beauty is long lasting. Each is signed under. Created in
Lucy’s Candle Studio, Sydney, Australia.
0481 321 527