Come and see the experts at DermaMed Skin Clinic for your essential pre-wedding preparation!
Offering FREE consultations for:
Cosmetic surgical procedures
Laser skin resurfacing
Madonna laser non-surgical
Anti-wrinkle treatments
Dermal filler (e.g. enhance lips, highlight
cheek bones, and fill in lines!)
Sclerotherapy (spider vein removal)
Excessive sweating
Skin analysis
Medical grade chemical
Acne scarring removal
Let us help you look the best you can in your wedding dress! Our highly experienced doctors perform the following cosmetic procedures:
4D High Definition VASER LipoSculpturing
Brazilian butt lift
Breast augmentation (implants or fat transfer)
Neck, face and thread lift
Eyelid surgery
Ear pinning
Thread lift
Tummy tuck (mini and full)
Scarless mole removal
Contact Us
Phone (03) 9804 0033
Email info@dermamed.com.au